
Answers questions about open-source repositories.


Rogo is a powerful tool that provides detailed insights into open-source repositories. It can fetch data from all open-source repositories with 1000 stars or more. Allows you to ask questions about open-source repositories and get results in both table and chart image format. Has data on all open-source repositories with 1000 stars or more. The /github-data/query gives the results back for a specific question in the form of a table, sometimes along with the image of its chart. When the `image_url` key is available, you should show it to the user in the form of a Markdown image. If the `full_results_url` key is available, you can suggest to the user that they follow it to see the full results. If the question broad or ambiguous, it should first be broken down into several smaller and straight-forward questions and sent individually.

Common prompts:

  • Show me the top 10 most starred repositories on GitHub.
  • What are the most popular programming languages used in open-source projects?
  • Give me a breakdown of the number of commits per month for the TensorFlow repository.
  • Who are the top contributors to the Linux kernel repository?
  • What is the trend of issues opened and closed in the VSCode repository over the last year?

It’s an invaluable resource for developers, researchers, and anyone interested in open-source software trends. Its ability to interpret natural language queries and present data in an easy-to-understand format makes it a must-have tool for anyone interested in the open-source ecosystem. Whether you’re a developer looking for popular libraries, a researcher studying software trends, or just a tech enthusiast, Rogo can provide the insights you need.