
Search the US Census! Find data sets, ask questions, and visualize.


BlockAtlas is an innovative plugin that provides users with direct access to the US Census API up to 2021. This powerful tool allows you to search and retrieve a wealth of demographic, economic, and geographic data collected by the United States Census Bureau. It also provides visual representation through links to

Key Features of BlockAtlas

  • Data Retrieval: BlockAtlas allows you to fetch data for specific variables or a combination of variables for one or more locations within a region. This feature is incredibly useful for researchers, data analysts, and anyone interested in understanding the socio-economic landscape of a specific area.
  • Data Mapping: The plugin can generate maps based on the data retrieved, providing a visual representation of the data. This is particularly useful for understanding geographical trends and patterns.
  • Data Normalization: BlockAtlas provides the option to normalize data by a specific variable. This is useful when you want to find a percent, a proportion, or a per-capita value.
  • Data Aggregation: If more than one variable is requested, the plugin can either combine the variables or show them side by side, depending on the user’s preference.
  • Flexible Search Parameters: BlockAtlas supports a variety of geography types, including states, counties, cities, and zip codes. It also allows users to specify the number of results to return, the sort order, and the years for which data is to be retrieved.

Example Prompts for Conversational Interaction

  • "Find the median income in Los Angeles, California."
  • "Show me a map of the population density in the United States."
  • "What is the growth rate of the population in Texas from 2020 to 2021?"
  • "Compare the median age in all counties within New York state."
  • "Retrieve data for the percentage of people over 65 in Miami, Florida."

In summary, BlockAtlas is a powerful tool that unlocks the vast data resources of the US Census API. Whether you’re a researcher looking to study demographic trends, a business owner trying to understand your market, or a curious individual interested in learning more about your community, BlockAtlas provides an easy and intuitive way to access and visualize this data. Harness the power of BlockAtlas and let data guide your decisions.