Movies, Actors and TV shows from TMDB, a database like IMDB.
The Movie Database (TMDB) is a user-editable platform providing extensive details about movies and TV shows. It offers basic information, cast and crew details, user-contributed ratings, reviews, and media like posters and trailers. TMDB’s API allows integration of this data into other applications, making it a valuable resource for streaming services.
Common prompts:
Tell me about the movie [movie title].
What are the alternative titles for the movie [movie title]?
What are the upcoming movies?
What movies are currently playing?
Recommend me 3 most recent movies like [movie title]
What TV shows has [actor name] been in?
The information retrieved is in real-time and is always current.
The plugin could be utilized to discover recommendations for the latest movies and TV series. Additionally, it could be used to gather specific details about a new movie, such as the countries or cities where the film was shot.