Open Trivia

Get trivia questions from various categories and difficulty levels.


The Open Trivia plugin is a versatile tool designed to fetch trivia questions from a wide range of categories and difficulty levels. It’s a perfect companion for those who love to challenge their knowledge or simply want to learn something new in a fun and engaging way. While the developer’s specific information is not available, the plugin is a part of the OpenAI ecosystem, which ensures its reliability and quality.

The Open Trivia plugin offers a variety of features that make it a unique and interactive tool. It allows users to fetch a specific number of trivia questions, choose from various categories, select the difficulty level, and even decide the type of questions (multiple choice or true/false). Furthermore, it supports different encoding types for the questions and provides a session token management system to avoid repeated questions.

Common prompts for conversational interaction:

  • “Fetch me 5 trivia questions from the Science category.”
  • “I want to answer some hard-level History trivia questions.”
  • “Can you get me some easy multiple-choice trivia questions?”
  • “I’d like to play a game with 10 true/false trivia questions.”
  • “Reset my session token to avoid repeated questions.”

These prompts can be customized according to the user’s preferences, making the Open Trivia plugin a flexible and personalized tool for trivia games.

In conclusion, the Open Trivia plugin is a fantastic tool that can be utilized by users to enhance their knowledge, challenge their friends, or simply have some fun answering trivia questions. Its wide range of features and customization options make it a must-have for trivia enthusiasts. Whether you’re hosting a game night or just want to test your knowledge in your free time, the Open Trivia plugin is your go-to resource for a fun and educational experience.