Word Sneak

The AI has to sneak 3 secret words into your conversation. Guess the words to win the game!

Developer: https://word-sneak.jeevnayak.repl.co

The Word Sneak plugin is designed to facilitate a game within a conversation. The game involves the AI receiving three secret words that it must subtly incorporate into the conversation. The user’s goal is to identify these words. It’s a fun way to add an element of challenge and engagement to your interactions with the AI.

Here are the rules for the Word Sneak game:

  • Start the Game: The game begins when the AI receives three secret words that it must incorporate into the conversation.
  • The Conversation: The AI and the user will each send five messages total in the conversation. The AI’s task is to subtly and seamlessly sneak in the three secret words into the conversation.
  • Strategy: The AI will try to make the inclusion of the secret words as natural as possible, making it difficult for the user to guess which words were the secret words. The AI might use various strategies, such as not using exactly one secret word per message, or using uncommon words to distract the user.
  • Guessing the Words: At the end of the conversation, the user is asked to guess the three secret words. The user gets one point for each word they guess correctly.
  • End of the Game: The game ends when the user has made their guesses or when the conversation has reached its limit. The AI will then reveal the secret words and the user can see how many they managed to guess correctly.

Remember, the goal of the game is not just to guess the words, but also to enjoy the conversation and the challenge of spotting the secret words. Happy playing!